Manufacturer of Wire Mesh

Premium Chicken Wire Mesh | Durable & Reliable Protection | Best Chicken Wire Fence in Pakistan

Hexagonal wire mesh, also known as chicken wire mesh or poultry netting, is a type of fencing made from galvanized iron wire. Originally designed for enclosing poultry and livestock,



it has expanded its application scope and is now widely used in industrial and agricultural constructions as reinforcement and fencing. In addition to fencing chickens and rabbits.

Chicken wire mesh is predominantly used as fencing for poultry farms, bird cages, and tennis courts, and for light reinforcement in splinter-proof glass and cement concrete, plastering, and laying of roads. A more prevalent use for chicken wire mesh in landscaping is organic pest control.

Rock wool blanket with wire Mesh.

A wire mesh-reinforced rock wool blanket is a type of insulation material that is ideal for use in high-temperature environments that experience vibrations. This product is often recommended for thermal insulation in boilers, ships, valves, and irregularly shaped large-diameter pipes.

The wire mesh adds an extra layer of durability and strength to the rock wool blanket, allowing it to withstand vibration and high temperatures without losing its insulating properties. This makes it an excellent choice for industrial settings where thermal insulation is critical to the safe and efficient operation of equipment.

What are the benefits of using chicken wire mesh?

  1. They keep animals and predators out of the area being fenced in.

Chicken wire mesh is a type of wire fencing that has small hexagonal openings. It is commonly used in agriculture and farming to create enclosures for small animals and to protect gardens and plants from pests. One of its main benefits is its ability to keep animals and predators out of the area being fenced in. The small openings of the wire mesh prevent larger animals and pests from entering the enclosure, making it an effective barrier for animal containment and protection.

  1. They allow air to flow through, keeping the area fenced-in cooler during the hot summer months.

Using chicken wire mesh can help to keep a space cooler during hot summer months due to its lightweight, air circulation, and thermal spray process. The lightweight mesh is easier to form and install than metal and allows for plenty of air circulation, which helps to keep the space cooler. The thermal spray process makes the mesh wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, which adds to its durability and long-lasting use. In addition, it helps to keep the space cooler by forming a protective layer over the space and acting as an insulating barrier against the hot summer temperatures.

  1. They are inexpensive compared to other fencing materials.

Chicken wire mesh materials are much more affordable when compared to traditional fencing materials such as chain-link fencing or angle iron fencing. Chicken wire mesh is also a lot lighter in weight, making it easier to handle and install. It is also much easier to cut to the exact size needed, and there is no danger of sharp edges. Tenax Poultry Fence is the perfect alternative to metal chicken wire and can be used to create chicken coops, pens, and enclosures, as well as ground protection for chickens and roosters. Its galvanized iron and stainless steel construction makes it very durable and dependable. Additionally, Wire Mesh Fence price in Pakistan is much lower than other fencing materials, making it a very cost-effective option for those looking for a cost-efficient solution to their fencing needs.

  1. They come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and thicknesses, allowing them to be customized to the needs of the area being fenced in.

Chicken wire mesh is a type of fencing commonly used to enclose and protect fowl, such as chickens, in a run or coop. This mesh is typically made of thin, flexible, galvanized steel wire with hexagonal gaps. The diameter of the gaps is usually about 3/4 inch (approximately 19 mm), and the wire comes in various gauges, with 24 gauge (around 0.5 mm) being the most common.

While chicken wire is a popular choice for its affordability and versatility, it may not be suitable for animals that are prone to gnawing, as the thinness and zinc content of galvanized wire can be easily damaged. Additionally, the chicken wire may not be effective in keeping out predators. However, it can be used for a range of purposes, such as building inexpensive pens for small animals or protecting plants and property from animals.

In construction, chicken wire or hardware cloth is commonly used as a metal lath to hold cement or plaster, a process known as stuccoing. The wire is attached to a surface, and then cement or plaster is applied over it to create a durable, textured finish.

Additionally, chicken wire mesh can be used to reinforce concrete, yielding a versatile construction material known as ferrocement. Ferrocement is strong, lightweight, and can be molded into various shapes, making it useful for a wide range of applications.

Another common use of chicken wire mesh is in crafting. It can be used to create the armature for a papier-mâché sculpture, providing a sturdy base to build when relatively high strength is needed.

Overall, chicken wire mesh is a durable and flexible material with many practical applications in agriculture, construction, and crafting.

  1. They can easily be painted or coated with a substance to ensure they last longer.

Step 1: Choose a chicken wire mesh material that is strong, lightweight, and resistant to corrosion. Hot galvanizing is the most popular choice for this purpose as it is highly resistant to oxidation and corrosion.

Step 2: Ensure that the edges are reinforced and smooth so that they will not cut you or your animals.

Step 3: Make sure the chicken wire mesh is treated with UV protection to prevent fading or discoloration.

Step 4: Choose the right size of chicken wire mesh for your needs. Hexagonal mesh or other types of mesh can be used.

Step 5: If you are using the chicken wire mesh outdoors, make sure that it is secured well and that it is kept away from moisture as much as possible.

Step 6: If you are unsure about the installation process, it is best to seek professional help. This will ensure that it is installed correctly and that it will last for a longer period of time.

How to choose the right type of chicken wire mesh for your needs?

Step 1: Choose the type of chicken wire mesh required

When choosing chicken wire mesh for your needs, it is important to consider a few aspects. First, you need to determine the purpose of using the mesh and what type of application you need it for. This will help you decide which type of mesh is best suited for your project. Weight is also an important factor to consider, as the size and volume you require will determine the weight of the mesh. Additionally, the type of mesh and ideal size are important factors to consider, as these can be affected by the local environment. For example, putting up fence mesh to protect a small animal’s nest is both ineffective and inefficient. Lastly, the cost of the mesh depends on how much is needed, so you should factor in the amount you require when deciding which mesh to buy. Taking all of these considerations into account, you should be able to select the best type of chicken wire mesh for your needs.

Step 2: Consider its size and height

When choosing chicken wire mesh, it is important to consider both the size and height. The size of the mesh should be determined by the task at hand, the volume of mesh needed, and the weight of the mesh. For instance, if the task is to protect a small animal’s nest, then a large mesh size would be inefficient and ineffective. The height of the mesh should be decided based on the purpose and the application, as different heights will provide different levels of protection from predators or other unwanted intrusions. Comparing and contrasting the size and height of the mesh is essential for finding the best solution for the task at hand.

Step 3: Consider its cost, quality, and durability

When choosing a type of chicken wire mesh, one must consider cost, quality, and durability. Cost is a major factor as it will determine how much of the mesh you can purchase. Quality is also important when selecting the right type of mesh. Look for mesh that is made of durable materials such as galvanized steel or stainless steel. Additionally, look for mesh that is rust-resistant and offers UV protection. Lastly, consider the mesh’s durability. Make sure it is strong enough to withstand years of use and can hold up to harsh weather conditions. When comparing different types of chicken wire mesh, consider each of these factors to determine which one is the best option for your needs.

Step 4: Evaluate the safety standards offered by the manufacturer.

The producers of chicken wire mesh offer a wide range of safety standards, such as mild steel galvanized wire conforming to British Standard BS 4102 (Annealed), UV-treated, reinforced edges, and guaranteed quality.

Step 5: Check if it is permitted to be used in the area where it is being installed

When using chicken wire mesh, it is important to consider what the mesh is going to be used for and the restrictions that may apply to certain areas. Generally, chicken wire mesh is ideal for lawns, gardens, and other outdoor areas because it is lightweight and allows air circulation and visibility. However, in certain places, such as airports, it cannot be used due to safety concerns. In addition, it should not be used on buildings or around electrical equipment, as it can cause a fire hazard. Other restrictions include the use of chicken wire mesh on fences, playgrounds, in areas with high levels of foot traffic, and in areas with animals or birds that may become entangled in the mesh.

Overall, chicken wire mesh is a versatile material with many practical uses in agriculture, construction, and landscaping. Its durability and flexibility make it an excellent choice for various applications.


Why you should use Chicken wire mesh for Poultry cage? Because it has all properties of best quality poultry cage wire:

– Better tensile strength – Soft & flexible – Good durability

– Galvanised & zinc coated

Why you should use Chicken wire mesh in plastering?

To save your plastering work from crack, you should use chicken wire mesh at the junction of different materials Like btw wall and column junction.

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